- Janko Ramač, The Beginnings of Cyrillic Literacy of the Ruthenians in Bačka and Srem from the Mid-18th to the Mid-19th Centuries 13–25
- Ksenija Končarević, On Some Russian and Serbian Phraseologisms Inspired by the Hagiographical Tradition of the Orthodox Church 26–40
- Vučina Raičević, Vitaliy Grigor’evich Kostomarov – Service to Scholarship and Pedagogical Vocation (On the Occasion of the First Anniversary of his Death) 41–52
- Gordana Štasni, Gordana Štrbac, Milan Ajdžanović, An Innovated Concept of the Semantic-Derivational Dictionary of the Serbian Language on the Example of the Runo Lexeme Nest 53–69
- Snežana Popović, The Concept of Monocollocability and Language Periphery 70–81
- Tijana Balek, On Lexical Caritives Represented by Verbs and Grammaticalisation of Participants in the Russian Language 82–92
- Stefana Paunović Rodić, On the Concept of Friend in the Slovak and Serbian Language World Images 93–106
- Ružica Radojčić, Linguistic Characteristics of the Russian and Serbian Diplomatic Discourse 107–114
- Anžela Prohorova, Covid-19 Pandemic Metaphors in the Public Discourse of Serbia 115–124
- Emilija Jović, The Influence of Knowledge Assessment, Transparency, Linguistic and Cultural Factors of Lexical Units on the Understanding and Translation of Somatic Phraseological Units (in Terms of Russian and Serbian Languages) 125–137
- Jelena Jočić, Non-Synonymous Lexical Variants of the Components черт and враг (devil) in Russian and Serbian Phraseologisms 138–156
- Nikola Janković, «Опытъ введенія новыхъ русскихъ литеръ» as an Attempt of Introduction of the Latin Script in the Russian Language 157–167
- Olga A. Trapeznikova, Using Podcasts in Teaching Russian as a Second Slavic Language 168–177
- Eleonóra Zvalená, Creative Writing in Teaching Slovak as a Mother Tongue at the University of Novi Sad 178–187
- Daniela Marčok, Slovak Evangelical Schools in Bačka in the Records of Canonical Visitations from 1835 188–200
- Anna Makišová, Language Phenomena in the Spoken Media in Vojvodina 201–210
- Dragana Radojčić, Linguistic and Linguocultural Competences of a Defense Envoy in the Russian Environment 211–218
- Marina Šimak Spevakova, Intertextuality in the Selected Works of Slovak Literary Theory 219–225
- Dragana Valigurska, The Role of Fathers in Pathological Family Relations. F. M. Dostoevsky ‘s The Brothers Karamazov in the Context of Dobrica Ćosić’s Novel The Roots 226–232
- Jana Domonji, On the Function of the Tree and Water Motifs in Lýdia Vadkerti-Gavorníková’s Collection of Poems Pohromnice 233–238
- Dragana Savin, The Dialects of the Common Slavic (Proto-Slavic) Language by Dimitrije Đurović 239–257
- Aleksandra Jović, The Status of Reflexive Pronouns in the Grammars of Russian and Serbian Languages 258–271
- Dunja Radojević, Communicative Culture as a Subject of Russian-Serbian Contrastive Studies 272–284
- Vanja Jovanović, Marija Nisić, Ana Cvetanović, On the Dynamic of Changes in the Linguistic World Image through the Prism of Verbal Associations (on the Example of the Serbian Language) 285–305
- Boris Norman, The Result of Cooperation between Russian and Japanese Slavists. Грамматика в обществе, общество в грамматике. Исследования по нормативной грамматике славянских языков. (Ред.) М. Номати, С. Киёсава. Москва: Издательский Дом ЯСК, 2021, 304 (Studia Philologica) 306–312
- Stefan Milošević, Борис Норман, Языковые категории в сознании и творчестве русского поэта. Берлин: Peter Lang, 2020, 156. 313–317
- Julija Dragojlović, Словенски фолклор и митологија у књижевној фантастици. Зборник радова. (Приред.) Дејан Ајдачић. Београд: Everest Media, 2019, 653. 318–323
- Dragana Kerkez, Милош Ковачевић, Кроз синтаксу српскога језика. Подгорица: Матица српска – Друштво чланова у Црној Гори, Одјељење за српски језик и књижевност, 2020, 287. 324–329
- Milena Ivanović, Світлана Соколова, Аспектуальні категоріï украïнського дієслова. Киïв: Видавництво „Книга-плюс“, 2021, 224. 330–333
- Katarina Mitrićević Štepanek, Snežana Popovićová, Česká a srbská frazeologie. Na cestě ke dvojjazyčnému frazeologiskému slovníku. Praha: Karolinum 2020, 206. 334–338
- Bisera Pavleska-Georgievska, Катерина Велјановска, Биљана Мирчевска-Бошева, Имињата во македонската фразеологија. Скопје: Антолог, 2021, 176. 339–342
- Biljana Marić, Филолог. Часопис за језик, књижевност и културу, Бања Лука: Филолошки факултет Универзитета у Бањој Луци, јун 2021, XII/23. 343–345
- Biljana Marić, Predrag Piper (1950‒2021), a Member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 346–347
- Aleksandra Korda, Professor Ivan Dorovský – a Friend of the South (1935‒2021) 348–350
- Biljana Čudomirović, Another Angel Flew to His Flock. Petar Antonijević (1929‒2021) 351–351
- Slobodan Remetić, Decision of the «Pavle and Milka Ivić» Award Committee (2020) 352–354
- Ksenija Končarević, Decision of the «Radovan Košutić» Award Committee (2020) 355–358
- Marija Stefanović, Sixty Years of the Department of Russian Language and Literature at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Novi Sad 359–364
- Svetlana Šašerina, On the Occasion of Professor Peter Ženjuh’s Jubilee 365–367
- Ksenija Končarević, International Academic Conference «Language and Religion». Ekaterinburg, September 15–17th, 2021. 368–371
- Ivana Kočevski, The Third Bosnian-Herzegovinian Congress of Slavists. Sarajevo, Faculty of Philosophy, September 17–19th, 2021. 372–376
- Jelena Jočić, 59th Conference of Serbian Slavists «Current Problems in Studying and Teaching Slavic Languages, Literatures and Cultures». Belgrade: Faculty of Philology, January 28–29th, 2021. 377–380
- Natalya Milchovska, The Third International Academic Conference «Russian Language, Literature and Culture: Past, Present and Future». Skopje: Russian Centre within Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, September 26–28th, 2021. 381–386
- Tanja Gaev, International Academic Conference «Migrations of Ukrainians to the former Yugoslavia» (On the Occassion of the 130th Anniversary of the Migration of Ukrainians from Galicia to Slavonia, Bosnia and Vojvodina). Novi Sad: Faculty of Philosophy, November 11–12th, 2021. 387–391
- Katarina Mitrićević Štepanek, Traditional Academic Colloqium Belgrade-Brno. Belgrade: Faculty of Philology, Univrsity of Belgrade, October 21st, 2021. 392–395
- Keyword Index 369–399
- List of Contributors 400–404
- Instructions for Authors 405–425
- Reviewers 426–427
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