Jan 04

Slavic studies XXVІ/1 (2022)



Mitra Reljić, The Slavic Mission of Predrag Piper, Member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 13–23
Magdalena Danielewiczowa, Jadwiga Wajszczuk (3 stycznia 1944 – 6 wrze­śnia 2021) 25–29

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Boris Norman, On the Semantic Syntax of Academician Predrag Piper 30–42
Anatoliy Zahnitko, A Semantic Model of the Preposition: Internal Integrity and Continuity 43–62
Bjorn Wiemer, Delimitation problems in the non-past domain 63–89
Dojčil P. Vojvodić, On the Modal Meanings of the Perfect Forms in Negative Statements in Russian, Serbian and other Slavic Languages 90–121
Rosanna Benacchio, On the Use of the Perfect Form in Iterative Contexts in the Serbian and Croatian Languages 122–141
Maciej Grochowski, Polish Comparative Temporal Adverbs: później – wcześniej 142–155
Motoki Nomachi, Afanasij M. Seliščev’s Unpublished Manuscript on the South Slavic Languages 156–172
Ljudmila Popović, On Presumptive Constructions in the Contemporary Serbian Language (analysis of syntactic reinterpretation) 173–197

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Ksenija J. Končarević, About an Era and About Oneself: Memoirs of Academician Predrag Piper (1950–2021) 198–210
Rajna M. Dragićević, Predrag Piper as a Researcher of Verbal Associations and Founder of Serbian Associative Lexicography 211–220
Dalibor Sokolović, On Predrag Piper’s Sorabistic Interests 221–227
Ana Golubović, Academician Predrag Piper and Linguistic Bibliography 228–246
Dara Damljanović, Scholarly Criticism in the Bibliography of Works of Academician Predrag Piper 247–262
Vučina Raičević, Predrag Piper’s Contribution to the Didactic Formation of Contemporary Textbooks of the Russian Language 263–269
Jelena Ginić, Phonetics in Predrag Piper’s Elementary School Textbooks 270–285
Marijana Paprić, Professor Predrag Piper as an Author of Elementary and High School Textbooks 286–299

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Slobodan Remetić, On the Use of the Prepositions S, SA and SU in the Speech of East Bosnian Eras 300–311
Sreto Tanasić, The Temporal Use of the Preposition POD with Accusative in the Serbian and Russian Languages 312–318
Ivana Antonić, The Syntax and Semantics of the Preposition NIZ 319–338
Milivoj B. Alanović, A Structural-Meaning Triangle: The Grammatical, Logical and Semantic Subjects 339–353
Milena Ivanović, The Selective Gradation of Processual Situation Features in the Serbian Language in Comparison with Ukrainian 354–368
Biljana Marić, The Participation of the Conjunction and Particle BUDTO (BUDTO BY) in Reporting Someone Else’s Speech (in the Russian Language in Comparison with Serbian) 369–379
Adrianna Piotrowska, The Gradation Operators MAKSYMALNIE, MINIMALNIE and their Connectivity with Verbs 380–396
Dragana Kerkez, The Conceptualisation of the Victim in the Light of Semantic Localisation Theory (Based on the Material from the Russian and Serbian Languages) 397–409
Yulia Šapić, On the Spatial Fragmentizer сторона in Conceptual Metaphors 410–421


Aleksandra J. Brajović, “Латински буквар” and “Первое учение” – Two Printed Spelling Books by Zaharije Orfelin 422–431


Stefan Milošević, Studi slavistici tra linguistica, dialettologia e filologia. Rosanna Benacchio, a cura di Monica Fin, Malinka Pila, Donatella Possamai, Luisa Ruvoletto, Svetlana Slavkova, Han Steenwijk. Firenze: Firenze University Press, 2022, 282. [Biblioteca di Studi Slavistici 48].  432–438
Nataša Keserović, Jаrmila Panevová, Studie z češké morfologie a sintaxe – Vybrané stati. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, Nakladatelství Karolinum, 2019, 231. 439–444
Stana Ristić, Axiological Relation as a Principle of Conceptual Networking and Constituting the Conceptosphere in the Language World Image. Дорота Пазио-Влазловская, Церковь в кругу ценностей: семья, традиция, патриотизм (по материалам интернет-портала «Российской газеты»). Warszawa: Instytut Slawistyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 2021, 246. 445–450
Dragana Kerkez, Митра Рељић, О појму и речи у језику књижевних стваралаца. Београд: Славистичко друштво Србије, 2021, 397. 451–455
Bisera Pavleska Georgievska, Лилјана Макаријоска. Етнолингвистички студии. Скопје: 2021, 535. 456–463
Anna Makišová, Jasna Uhláriková, Somatická frazeológia v slovenčine a srbčine. Nový Sad: Filozofická fakulta v Novom Sade. 2021, 173. 464–467
Ksenija Končarević, Марија Марковић. Преводи Криловљевих басана код Срба. Београд:Логос, 2022, 177. 468–473


Dejan Ajdačić, Jerzy Bartmiński Lives On in Our Memories and His Legacy in Our Thoughts 474–476
Ksenija Končarević, Joseph Abramovich Sternin (1948–2022) 477–479
Kenta Sugai, Kaname Okano, In Memoriam: prof. dr Keiko Mitani . 480–483


Ljudmila Popović, Session of the International Commission for the Study of the Grammatical Structure of the Slavic Languages of the International Committee of Slavists (Klagenfurt, October 22nd–26th, 2021) 484–490
Biljana Marić, The Golden Age of Russian Realism. A Symposium in the Russian House (Belgrade, June 28th–29th, 2022) 491


Регистар кључних речи 492–495
Списак сарадника 496–499
Упутство за припрему рукописа за штампу 500–520
Рецензенти 521

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