Danko Šipka, Lexicographic definitions between the universal and traditional: quantitative and qualitative comparison of general monolingual dictionaries 11–23
Nada Arsenijević, Serbian case constructions with the preposition nasuprot 24–37
Predrag Obućina, Definition, identification and structure of the terms – on the example of the Polish syntactical terminology 38–49
Anna Margaréta Lačoková, Diversity of biblisms and the problem of specifying this group of phrasemes (on the example of Slovak and Serbian biblical phraseology) 50–54
Jelena Stošić, Social inequality in Russian and Serbian paremias: linguo-cognitive analysis 55–63
Matija Nešović, The Names of Serbian Villages and Parts of Town in Verbal Associations of Serbian Speakers 64–78
Juliana Beňová, Language planning in linguistic works of Vladimir Hurban Vladimirov 79–90
Marko Stojanović, Slovak language laws after 1989 91–100
Milena Ivanović, Problems of translating proper names: patronymics (on Russian language material) 101–110
Jelena Pavlović, Methodological frame for developing a corpus of 19th century Serbian legal texts 111–121
Marijana Paprić, Translation in the teaching of the Russian Language for professional purposes 122–133
Svetlana Chernova, The effectiveness of teaching Russian as a foreingh language 134–143
Daniela Marčok, Education in the context of Slovak-Serbian relations in the Slovak grammar school in Kysač in The Kingdom of Serbs, Croatians and Slovenians 144–149
Dragana Radojčić, Radovan Kosutic’s russistic legacy in the scientific criticism 150–155
Ivan Priyma, Towards Aleksey Khomyakov’s heritage (regarding B. F. Yegorov’s conception) 156–180
Tanja Gaev, Concentration of ideas in poetry of Vasyl Holoborodko (1945) (on example of songs, published in Knjizevna rec, 1979) 181–189
Olga Antonova, Reconciliation Philosophy In The Novel “Very Modest Gifts” by Uglješa Šajtinac. 190–199
Marína Šimáková Speváková, Communicating with Anton Popovič 200–206
Enisa Uspenskaya, Mandelstam in Serbian poetic culture (On the occasion of the book Wreath for Mandelstam by Miodrag Sibinović). 207–214
Srđan Petrović, Рајна Драгићевић, Српска лексика у прошлости и данас. Нови Сад: Матица српска, 2018, 448. 215–222
Mila Đuričić, Стазама славистике, ур. Рајна Драгићевић. Београд: Савез славистичких друштава Србије, 2018, 174. стр. 223–228
Zuzana Čižikova, Handicap as a keyword. Človek so znevýhodnením (postihnutím hendikepom) v literatúre pre deti a mládež a v inkluzívnej edukácii. Zborník príspevkov z vedeckej konferencie s medzinárodnou účasťou. Prešov 18−19. október 2018. Eds. I. Gal Drzewiecka, A.Brestovičová. Prešov: Vydavateľstvo Prešovskej univerzity, 2018, 464. 229–234
Marína Šimáková Speváková, Obraz dieťaťa a detstva v textoch umeleckej literatúry. Eds. Zuzana Bariaková, Martina Kubealaková. Banská Bystrica: Belianum. Vydavateľstvo Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici, 2016, 252 235–237
Nataša Kozomora, Acta Linguistica Petropolitana: Труды лингвистических исследований РАН, (отв. ред. Н. Н. Казанский), Том XI, часть 1: Категории имени и глагола в системе функциональной грамматики. Ред. М. Д. Воейкова, Е. Г. Сосновцева. Санкт-Петербург: «Наука», 2015, 901. 238–247
Aleksej Arsenjev, Boban Ćurić (1968-2019) – the Russian Emigration Culture Researcher 248–249
Ksenija Končarević, Gordana Jovanović, the recipient of the “Radovan Košutić” Award (2018) 250–254
Dalibor Sokolović, Ksenija Končarević, the recipient of the “Radovan Košutić” Award (2018) . 255–258
The 2018 “Pavle and Milka Ivić” Award Jury Decision 259–260
Ljudmila Popović, The 44th Meeting of the Commission on the grammatical structure of the Slavic Languages of the International committee of Slavists (University of Warsaw: Faculty of Modern Languages, September 18-21, 2019) 261–265
Dejan Ajdačić, About the International Conference “Slavic Folklore and Fantastic Literature” in Tršić (2019) 266–267
Ružica Levuškina, 17th International Conference “Onomastics of the Volga Region” (Institute for Human Sciences of The Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University, Antonovo, September 17-20, 2019) 268–270
Halyna Khomenko, Mykola Khvylovy – the territory of risk for individuals (VI International scientific and cultural action “Square of a triangle: four days with Khvylovy”). 271–275
Register of key words 276–279
List of contributors 280–283
Instructions for authors 284–298
Reviewers 299–300
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