May 13

Slavic studies ХХІІІ/1 (2019)



Dojčil Vojvodić, On the aspectual-temporal synonymy and metaphor in Serbian, Russian and other Slavic languages 11–44
Elena Gorbova, Тhe two-component model of Russian Aspect: basic items, predictions, confirmations 45–61
Vladimir Trub, On the problem of revealing aspectual meanings of adverbials 62–78
Ildiko Paloshi, Semantic analysis of Russian verbs with the seme ‘quickly’ 79–87
Milivoj Alanović, Constructional stability of (trans)adverbials 88–103
Oleg Shinkaruk, Directive value of the imperative mood in the Ukrainian language 104–118
Katarina Mitrićević-Štepanek, Verbal derivatives in the Czech language expressing the meaning ‘to cause exhaustion or death by action’ and their lexicographical equivalents in Serbian 119–133
Julija Šapić, On spatial fragmentisers with the meanining ‘upper part – lower part’ in the Russian and Serbian languages 134–141
Les Beley, The evolution of languages: a model of linguistic singularities 142–158
Hedina Tahirović-Sijerčić, South Slavic loanwords in the Romani language 159–175
Dragana Popović, National communication style as an object of research 176–182
Dimitrina Lesnevskaya, Ecolinguistics and ecological education in foreign language teaching 183–188
Miodrag Sibinović, Branko Miljković in the context of the Serbian reception of Valery Bryusov’s poetry 189–200
Bogdan Kosanović, One view of new Sholokhovistic research studies 201–212
Ksenija Končarević, Russian culture in Serbian memoiristic literature of the XVІІІ and XIX centuries 213–222
Irina Antanasijevich, New data on Russian comic artists in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia 223–224
Boban Ćurić, A.I.Kuprin in Belgrade in 1928 . 235–247
Janko Ramač, The epistolary legacy of Mihajlo Kovač 248–255
Adam Svetlík, African prose of Marek Vadas 256–264
Zuzana Čížiková, Who is telling the story – the characters, narrator or author? (On the category of narrator in prose for children and youth by Maria Kotvášová-Jonášová) 265–274
Ana Jakovljević Radunović, The Bakhchisarai castle as a place of me­mory in Pushkin’s and Parajanov’s art 275–283
Marija Dokić, The riddle as the most dominant thought pattern of Pavić and Nietzsche 284–294


Natalya Bondarenko, The Serbian pages in А. А. Khovansky’s ”Slavonic Bulletin“ 295–302


Dragana Kerkez, Е. В. Падучева, Эгоцентрические единицы языка. Москва: Языки славянских культур, 2018, 440. 303–307
Ljudmila Popović, А.П. Загнітко, Мовний простір граматики. Вінниця: ДонНУ імені Василя Стуса, 2018, 447. 308–313
Milana Borković, Е. В. Горбова, Грамматическая категория аспекта и контекст (на материале испанского и русского языков). Санкт-Петербург: Изд-во С.-Петерб. ун-та, 2017, 420. 314–317
Biljana Marić, Душка Кликовац, Српски језик у светлу когнитивне лингвистике. Београд: Друштво за српски језик и књижевност Србије, 2018, 306. 318–321
Snežana Popović, František čermák, korpus a korpusová lingvistika. Pra­ha: karolinum, 2017, 270. 322–325
Ana Rimar Simunović, Юлиян Тамаш, Складање идентитетох, изабрани есеји из русинистике и украјинистике. Нови Сад: Руске слово, 2017, 280. 326–328
Milica Milenković, Звонко Танески/Zvonko Taneski: Славистички синтези/Slavistické Syntézy. Београд: Asociácia organizácii spisovateľov Slovenska/ Универзитет у Београду – Филолошки факултет, 2018, 252. 329–331
Julija Dragojlović, Ołeksandr Koszyc а jego dziennik “Z pieśnią przez świat, redakcja naukowa Walentyna Sobol. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Uni­wersytetu Warszawskiego, 2018, 394. 332–333
Marijana Đukić, Current Serbian ethno-linguistic research. О вредностима у српском језику, књ. 2, ур. Дејан Ајдачић. Београд: Алма, 2019, 199. 334–337
Darja Vojvodić, Aspectual prefixation in the light of the theory of gra­mmaticalization. The Role of Formation of Aspectuality: Issues of Gramma­ticalization, еds. R Benaccio, A.Muro, S. Slavkova. Firenze: Firenze Uni­versity Press, 2017, XII+258 (Biblioteca di Studi slavistici; 39). 338–340
Katarina Polić, Типология вида/аспекта: проблемы, поиски, решения. Сбор­ник научных статей, отв. ред. Е.Я. Титаренко. Симферополь: ДИАЙПИ, 2014, 200. 341–347


Milorad Miljaković, Scientific seminar of the Commission on Aspectology of the International Committee of Slavists on the Sixth International Congress of Russian Language Researchers (Faculty of Philology, Moscow State University “M. V. Lomonosov”, Moscow, March 20-23, 2019). 348–351
Jelena Jočić, 57th Conference of Serbian Slavists (Belgrade, 4 – 5 February 2019). 352–354
Zoran Stefanović, The cycle “Slavic and Serbian Literature Fiction”, (Bel­grade, February 27 – June 12, 2019). 355–359


Register of key words 360–363
List of contributors 364–367
Instructions for authors 368–382
Reviewers 383