Rosanna Benacchio, The adoption of verbal borrowings in the Slavic aspect system: The Resian dialect 9–20
Tilman Berger, Björn Wiemer, The prepositional resultative in Polish and Czech 21–64
Maciej Grochowski, Adjectives as exponents of coherence in Polish 65–74
Magdalena Danielewiczowa, The status, syntactic properties and semantic value of Polish expressions such as: mam to napisane 75–89
Leonid Iomdin, On a class of colloquial constructions with predicative adverbs in Russian 90–99
Ruselina Nicolova, On the factors preventing grammaticalization 100–111
Boris Norman, The grammaticalization of a linguistic unit and the scope of cognitive processes 112–123
Jarmila Panevová, Diathesis and reciprocity (on Czech material) 124–129
Patrice Pognan, The calculability of Czech compared to the western Slavic languages 130–142
Ljudmila Popović, On the interaction of categories of diathesis and modality in Serbian and other Slavic languages 143–165
Karolína Skwarska, Zapnul už jsi toho mobila? [Have you turned your mobile on yet?] On the accusative singular of inanimate masculines in Slavic languages 166–177
Milivoj Alanović, In search of a predicate in a sentence – two ways, one goal 178–192
Miodrag Sibinović, Osip Mandelstam in Serbian attire and spirit (The reception of Mandelstam in Serbian literature and culture) 193–262
Tetyana Kosmeda, The new achievement of Ukrainian linguistics. А.П. Загнітко, Теорія лінгвоперсонології. Вінниця: Нілан-Лтд, 2017, 136. 263–266
Marija Opačić, Лингвистика и славистика у делу Предрага Пипера: Зборник радова, ур. Драгана Д. Јовановић. Нови Сад: Библиотека Матице српске, 2016, 191. 267–269
Ljudmila Popović, Futurity from the view of Slavic linguistics. Дојчил Војводић, Футуралност у савременом руском, пољском и српском језику. Нови Сад: Филозофски факултет, 2018, 477. 270–273
Stefan Stojanović, Типология перфекта, Т. А. Майсак, В. А. Плунгян, Кс. П. Семёнова (отв. ред.). Труды Института лингвистических исследований РАН, Н. Н. Казанский (отв. ред.). Т. XII, ч. 2, Acta linguistica petropolitana, Исследования по теории грамматики. Вып. 7.
СПб.: Наука, 2016, 840. 274–280
Biljana Marić, Е. Э. Пчелинцева. От глагола к имени: аспектуальность в русских, украинских и польских именах действия. Санкт-Петербург: Наука, 2016, 368. 281–283
Milena Ivanović, La relation temps/aspect: approches typologique et contrastive, Tatiana Milliaressi (éd.). . Lille: Université Charles-de-Gaulle – Lille 3, 2018, 451. 284–287
Ljudmila Popović, The new theoretical functional grammar of the Ukrainian language. І. Р. Вихованець, К. Г. Городенська, А. П. Загнітко, С. О. Соколова, Граматика сучасної української літературної мови. Морфологія. К. Г. Городенська (ред.). Київ: Видавничий дім Дмитра Бураго, 2017, 752. 288–293
Aleksandra Korda-Petrović, Од Мораве до Мораве ІІІ. Из историје чешко-српских односа. Брно: Матица моравска у сарадњи са Матицом српском, 2017, 353. 294–296
Rosanna Benacchio, Andrey Anatolyevich Zaliznyak (1935–2017) 297–300
Ivana Kočevski, Aleksandar Ilić (1945–2018) 301–304
Ljudmila Popović, The 42nd Meeting of the Commission on the grammatical structure of the Slavic Languages of the International committee of Slavists (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, September 24-28, 2017) 305–311
Dojčil Vojvodić, The VІ International conference „La relation temps/aspect: approches typologique et contrastive“ and the Meeting of the Commission on aspectology of the International committee of Slavists (Lille: Université de Lille Sciences Humaines et Sociales, April 10-14, 2018) 312–319
Register of key words 320–321
List of contributors 322–324
Instructions for authors 325–339
Reviewers 340