Adriаan Barentsen, Viktor Hrakovskiy, On the Secondary Meanings of Taxis Conjunctions of Anteriority in Slavic Languages 13–31
Boris Norman, Internal Transformations of Sentence Structure and Difficult Cases of Parsing 32–45
Anatoliy Zagnitko, Linguo-social Objective Discursive Validity of Prescriptions 46–68
Hannu Tommola, Остаться с носом и без носа – On Changing and Staying the Same 69–79
Włodzimierz Wysoczański, Language in Ethnolinguistic Research (In the Light of the Chosen Directions) 80–91
Radoslava Trnavac, Semantic Analysis of a Couple of Adjectives with Affective and Experiential Meanings in Serbian and Russian 92–114
Katarina Mitrićević-Štepanek, Augmentatives in the Serbian and Czech Languages in the Czech National Corpus 115–133
Dragana Kerkez, Non-Prototypical Uses of the Serbian Imperative 134–153
Marija Opačić, Sociative Constructions with the Derived Multiple Prepositional Phrases in Russian and Serbian 154–162
Maja Krstić, The Verb to serve (служить) and Its Equivalents in the Serbian Language 163–174
Dara Damljanović, Radovan Košutić’s “Letters from Petrograd” 175–196
Milena Ivanović, The Problems of Translation of Proper Names: Aptronyms (On the Material of the Translations of Russian Literature) 197–207
Nataša Kozomora, The Associative and Paremiological Field of the Concept деньги/новац in the Russian and Serbian Languages 208–218
Anna Margaréta Lačoková, Lexical Composition of Biblical Phrasemes and Their Motivation (On the Example of Slovak and Serbian Biblical Phraseology) 219–228
Milorad Miljaković, Word-Formation Processes Used in Naming Members of Musical Subcultures in Serbian, Russian and Polish 229–243
Jelena Ginić, Norm, Normativity and Variability in the Orthoepy of the Contemporary Standard Russian Language (Based on the Material from Orthoepic Dictionaries of the Second Half of the 20th and the Early 21st Centuries) 244–254
Mihajlo Fejsa, New Orthographic Manual of the Ruthenian Language 255–280
Dragana Popović, The Realization of the Russian Phonemes /e/ and /a/ through the Prism of Orthographic Errors of Internet Users 281–290
Elena Markova, Educational Dictionary of Contemporary Russian Language Univerbations: Novelty, Structure, Principles of Description 291–298
Kristina Mikavica, The Motivational Function of Russian Language Textbooks for Theological Seminary (Construction of Solutions in Terms of Macrostructure) 299–310
Luka Medenica, Guidelines for Beginning Teachers in Teaching Listening Comprehension 311–319
Daniela Marčok, Education in the Context of Slovak-Serbian Relations in Grammar School with the Slovak Instructional Language in Kysač in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia 320–330
Antonín Kudláč, Czech Postmodern – An Unfinished Project? Discussion on the Influence of Postmodernism on Czech Thought about History and Literature after 1989 331–343
Adam Svetlík, Maroš Krajňak’s Trilogy 344–351
Lazar Milentiević, Dostoevsky as a Milestone in the Spiritual Development of S. I. Gessen 352–361
Zorica Mladenović, Jovan Hristić’s “Mezzogiorno” in the Context of Literature and Philosophy 362–372
Elena Kruglova, The Situation of Meeting Death: A Psychoanalytic Reading of the Miniature by I.S. Turgenev “The Insect” 373–378
Ana Rimar Simunović, Ukraine in Mihajlo Kovač’s Myth 379–385
Elena Boronina, Folklore of the Eastern Moscow Region: Analysis of Expeditionary Records 386–392
Janko Ramač, The Epistolary Legacy of Ruthenian Priests in Bačka in the Latin Language in the Second half of the 18th and the early 19th Centuries 393–405
Pavel Jonák, Undiscovered Books. The Czech National Library and Reading Room in Bela Crkva between the Two World Wars 406–417
Anna Makišová, Writing Dialectal Texts in Book Editions in Vojvodina 418–427
Dragana Radojčić, Natalija Radošević’s Slavic Legacy 428–433
Mila Đuričić, The Russian Language at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Zrenjanin – The Current Situation and Perspectives 434–442
Ana Letić, Mila Milojević, Anka Obućina, Differences in Speech of Children and Teenagers, Determined by Gender 443–458
Stefan Milošević, Петар Буњак, Раскршћа славистике. Београд: Савез славистичких друштава Србије, 2019, 229. 459–461
Ljudmila Popović, A Homage to Ana Kretschmer. Diachronie – Ethnos – Tradition: Studien zur slawischen Sprachgeschichte Festgabe für Anna Kretschmer. Her. Jasmina Grković-Major, Natalia B. Korina, Stefan Michael Newerkla, Fedor B. Poljakov, Svetlana M. Tolstaja. Brno: Tribun EU, 2020, 366. 462–467
Milan Ajdžanović, Јелка Матијашевић, Дериватолошко-лексикoлошка истраживања руског и српског језика. Ур. В. Васић, М. Стефановић. Нови Сад: Филозофски факултет, 2019, 718. 468–470
Nataša Keserović, A Festschrift Dedicated to Václav Štěpánek. Od Moravských luk k balkánským horám. Václavu Štěpánkovi k šedesátinám. Ed. Petr Stehlík. Brno: Matice moravská, Ústav slavistiky, Historický ústav Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, 2019, 446. 471–474
Biljana Marić, Јасмина Московљевић Поповић, Корелативне конструкције. Теоријске основе анализе. Београд: Филолошки факултет, 2018, 204. 475–477
Ljudmila Popović, Стана Ристић, Ивана Лазић-Коњик, Когнитивни правац у српској етнолингвистици. Почеци развоја и актуелни проблеми. Београд: Институт за српски језик САНУ, 2020, 401 [Монографије 29]. 478–481
Srđan Petrović, Маргарита Ивановна Чернышева, Именования Богородицы в древнерусской письменности: около 500 лексических единиц с объяснениями и комментариями. Москва: ЛЕНАНД, 2017, 328. 482–487
Stefana Paunović Rodić, Eva Tibenská, Gramatika slovenského jazyka pre nositeľov slovinského, chorvátskeho a serbského jazyka, I. diel – Morfológia. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2018, 288. 488–490
Jovana Dimitrijević, A Significant Contribution to Serbian Phraseology. Гордана Штрбац: Фразеологија о човеку и човек у фразеологији. Нови Сад: Универзитет у Новом Саду, Филозофски факултет, 2018, 284. 491–493
Julija Dragojlović, Михајло Гуц, Српска народна песма у Украјини. Прев. с укр. Д. Ајдачић. Београд: Алма, 2017, 193. 494–496
Enisa Uspenski, Miodrag Sibinović. In Memoriam 497–498
Nadežda Lainović Stojanović, A Contribution to the History of Serbian Slavic Studies. XIII Congress of the Union of Slavic Societies of Serbia, Belgrade, Section of the Serbian Association of Slavists – 32nd Conference of Serbian Slavists: Theses and Summaries. (Belgrade: Faculty of Philology, 1994) 499–501
Lesya Steblina, Half a Century of Dedicated Work on Strengthening the Scientific and Educational Reputation of Serbia in the World – 50th International Scientific Meeting of Slavists During Vuk’s Days (Belgrade: International Center for Slavic Studies, September, 16-20, 2020) 502–506
Biljana Sikimić, 49th International Philological Conference (IPC 2020) in Homage to Professor Ludmila Verbitskaya (1936–2019) (Saint Petersburg: Faculty of Philology, University of Saint Petersburg, November,16−24, 2020) 507–511
Srđan Petrović, International Scientific Conference Lexicography and Lexicology in the Light of Current Issues (Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, October 28−30, 2020) 512–515
Zoran Stefanović, Commission on Slavic Folklore of The International Committee of Slavists: A New Internet Portal as the New Insight into Global Slavic Studies 516–521
Zoran Stefanović, Cycle of Lectures and Discussion Panels “A Century of the Serbian Avant-garde” (Belgrade, September 19 — November 26, 2019) 522–525
Petar Minić, About Virtual Philological Museology in Russia 526–530
Кeyword Index 531–536
List of contributors 537–544
Instructions for authors 545–565
Reviewers 566–567