- Janko Ramač, The Role of the Church and Clergy in Preserving the Religious and National Identity of the Ukrainians in the Post-Yugoslav Space 11–20
- Tetyana Kosmeda, The Religious Origin of Modern Terms of Communicative Linguistics and Rhetoric: A Fragmentary Analysis 21–30
- Pavlo Hai-Nyzhnyk, Chiefs and Senior Officers of the Headquarters and Own Staff of the Hetman of Ukraine (1918): New Emigrants in Serbia in the First Quarter of the 20th Century 31–39
- Mykola Nahirnyi, The Ukrainian Diaspora of Serbia on the Pages of the Nova Dumka 40–49
- Valeriy Vlasenko, Vasyl Andriyevsky – A Public and Political Figure of the Ukrainian Immigration in Yugoslavia (Based on the Materials of His Archive-Investigation File) 50–57
- Oleg Rumyantsev, Commemoration of the Migration Anniversary among the Ukrainians of Bosnia-Slavonia (Based on the Ukrainian Press in Bosnia and Vojvodina in the 20th Century) 58–64
- Ljudmila Popović, Language of the Ukrainians in Serbia: Past, Present, Future 65–84
- Bogdan Sokil, The Educational Space of Eastern Halychyna in the Period of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy: The Functional Workload of the Ukrainian Language 85–100
- Milena Ivanović, On Translation from Genealogically Related Languages (On the Material of the Ukrainian and Serbian Languages) 101–108
- Tanja Gaev, Ukrainian Literature in Serbian Magazines of the 19th Century 109–125
- Tetyana Dzyuba, The Motif of a Dignified Farewell in Risto Vasilevski’s Poem “Conversation about the Father’s Choice of a Place for His Coffin” and in the Short Story “Never Cry for Me” by Maria Matios 126–134
- Oksana Horda, Oksana Trumko, International School of Ukrainian Studies “Step to Ukraine” of IIEC: Methods of Organizing the Educational Process, Forms of Conducting Classes and Learning Resources 135–141
- Marija Opačić, Non-Singular Concretisers of the Polysemanticity of the Conjunction и in Russian and Serbian 142–152
- Anna Margaréta Lačoková, The Forms of Slovak and Serbian Biblical Phrasemes among the Vojvodinian Slovaks 153–163
- Sergiy Kolonyuk, Classificational Types of Paremias in the Focus of Paremiographical Theory 164–173
- Jovana Amidžić, Metaphorical Conceptualization of Russian Idioms and Their Serbian Translation equivalents: The Political Sphere 174–186
- Vitaliya Papish, The Phenomenon of Linguistic Psychoaccentuation: Metalanguage and Research Methods 187–200
- Oksana Kovtun, Evaluation Grammar: Attributive-Objective Subjective Evaluative Agentive Nouns 201–211
- Katarina Mitrićević-Štepanek, On One Vulgarism in the Czech Language and Its Equivalents in Serbian and English 212–231
- Janko Ramač, Daniela Marčok, Education of Slovak Intelligentsia from the Territory of Southern Hungary (From the Late 18th to the Mid-19th Centuries) 232–250
- Anna Makišová, Dragana Radovanović, Slovak Vojvodina Lexicon in Dialect Dictionaries 251–260
- Adam Svetlik, Ethnographic Fiction in the Novels of Katarína Kucbelová and Alena Sabuchová 261–270
- Ivana Kočevski, On the Motif of “Lost Children” in Danijela Hodrová’s Novel of the Same Name 271–291
- Azra Mušović, Innocence Misused – Determinism or Deconstruction of the Myth of Love in L. Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina and T. Hardy’s Tess of the d’Urbervilles 292–308
- Nataša Ajdžanović, Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Linguocultural Elements in Russian Language Textbooks for Adult Beginners 309–318
- Kristina Mikavica, Russian and Serbian Communicative Culture in the Academic Sphere (Situational Analysis Model) 319–328
- Vučina Raičević, Сретo Танасић, Огледи о језику српских писаца. Београд: Славистичко друштво Србије, 2022, 228. 329–333
- Ksenija Končarević, Марија Стефановић, У лавиринту речи. Огледи из руске и српске когнитивне семантике. Филозофски факултет: Нови Сад, 2022, 249. 334–336
- Robert Grošelj, Mladen Uhlik, Andreja Žele, Rusko-slovenska skladnja: propozicijska in medpropozicijska razmerja. Ljubljana: Založba Univerze v Ljubljani, 2022, 190. 337–338
- Ana Batas, Јелена Гинић, Фонетика руског језика (с елементима конфронтирања са српским). Београд: Савез славистичких друштава Србије, 2022, 245. 339–341
- Anna Makišová, Anna Marićová, Lʼudové zvyky, obyčaje a povery Slovákov v Starej Pazove. Stará Pazova: SAVPO, Nový Sad: Ústav pre kultúru vojvodinských Slovákov, 2021, 200. 342–344
- Aleksandra Korda-Petrović, Савремена српска и чешка славистичка истраживања / Současná srbská a češká slavistická bádání. Brno: Ústav slavistiky Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, 2021, 257. 345–347
- Ksenija Končarević, In memoriam: Prof. Dr. Ljubica Nestorov (1930–2022) 348–350
- Anna Makišová, Professor Mária Myjavcová – A Prominent Slovakist 351–352
- Decision of the 2021 “Pavle and Milka Ivić” Award Committee 353–357
- Decision of the 2021 “Radovan Košutić” Award Committee “For Exceptional Scientific and Pedagogical Contribution to Serbian Slavic Studies” 358–360
- Decision of the 2021 “Radovan Košutić” Award Committee “For the Best Published Monograph” 361–362
- Zvonko Taneski, Gold Medal for Merit of the Faculty of Arts at Comenius University to Prof. Dr. Miroslav Dudok 363–365
- Biljana Mirčevska-Boševa, International Slavic Scientific Conference “Slavis Studies in Synchrony and Diachrony” (Skopje: Faculty of Philology “Blaže Koneski” at the University “Sts. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje, September 29–30th, 2022) 366–371
- Biljana Marić, 60th Conference of Serbian Slavists Slavism and the Modern World: Man, Language, Culture (Belgrade: Faculty of Philology, January 13–14th, 2022) 372–375
- Dalibor Sokolović, International Scientific Meeting “Minority Languages and Multilingualism in Serbia and Central and Eastern Europe” (Subotica: Open University of Subotica, City Library, April 7–8th, 2022) 376–378
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