Instructions for preparation of manuscripts for printing

  1. The journal Slavic Studies is the scientific periodical that publishes original papers in the field of Slavic philology, theory of linguistics and literature, history of Slavic studies and related scientific areas, as well as scientific criticisms, chronicles and bibliographies.
  2. The Editorial Board of Slavic Studies consists of eminent experts-Slavists from diverse Slavic and non-Slavic countries.
  3. All contributions submitted to the journal Slavic Studies will be peer reviewed by at least two competent experts one of which will obligatory be external reviewer. The process of peer review is anonymous in both directions.
  4. Papers that have already been published or are submitted for publishing in another publication cannot be accepted for publication in Slavic Studies.
  5. The contribution that you are submitting for publication in the journal should have a clearly defined topic and precisely reasoned motivation of methods that are used in it. The claims that you state within it must be confirmed theoretically and empirically validated. The paper must represent an original scientific work, which can not in any way be considered plagiarism or autoplagiarism. The Editorial Board welcomes polemical papers that rely on convincing argument.
  6. Slavic Studies publishes the results of research in all Slavic languages, as well as in English. The manuscript should be correct in terms of spelling, grammar and style. The authors should also pay attention to the following elements:

a) Titles of special publications (monographs, anthologies, journals, dictionaries, etc.) that are mentioned within the paper are to be printed in italics in the language and alphabet in which the cited publication was published, whether in the original or in translation.

b) Within the text in Serbian language, foreign names that are mentioned in the paper are to be transcribed according to the rules of the Orthography of Serbian language, and in the case when a foreign name is mentioned for the first time, its form in the original language should be given in parentheses, unless that particular name is widely known (e.g. Фердинанд де Сосир) or originally written as in Serbian language (e.g. Владимир Бондарко).

c) The author’s surname is to be citied in parenthesis in its original form and alphabet, e.g. (Пипер 2015), (Апресян 1974), (Geeraerts 2006).

d) Citations from the works in foreign languages, depending on the function they may have, can be cited in the original language or in translation, but the authors must strictly follow one of the above ways of citation. If quotes are cited in the original language, the authors can give their own translation in the footnote.

Key elements of the paper in the order specified below

  1. Author’s name and surname, institutional affiliation, e-mail address. In reviews and chronicles this information is given below the text and the name and surname are printed in italics.
  2. Title of the paper should be written in capital letters (the name and number of the project within which the paper was created should be indicated in the note at the bottom of the page, linked by the asterisk to the title of the paper).
  3. Title of the (book/paper) review may consist of a bibliographic entry.
  4. Abstract (up to 20 lines) and keywords (up to 10) in the original language of the paper.
  5. Abstract (up to 20 lines) and keywords (up to 10) in English language.
  6. The main text.
  7. Literature Cited (for the papers written in Cyrillic alphabet, literature should be primarily given in alphabetical order of authors’ surnames in Cyrillic, and then in alphabetical order of authors’ surnames in Latin; the reverse order applies to the papers written in Latin alphabet, bibliographical units which are not written in the Cyrillic alphabet must be transliterated according to the rules given below.
  8. Summary: author’s full name, title of the paper (the word Summary should be written below the title), text of the summary, keywords; if the paper is written in Serbian, the summary can be submitted in one of the world languages (English, German, Russian, French); if the paper is written in a foreign language, the summary should be submitted in Serbian (the Editorial Board will provide translation of summaries into Serbian language to foreign authors). Summary should not exceed 10% of the length of the entire text.
  9. Attachments (photos, pictures, tables, facsimiles and the like) should be numbered, while the order of attachments (attachment 1, attachment 2, etc.) should be indicated within the main text.

Examples of key elements of work created according to the Instruction can be found here:

Length of Submissions and Submission Procedure

The length of the paper: up to 32,000 characters.

Papers should be submitted electronically in Word format and, if necessary, in PDF to the following address:

Technical requirements

Format: * .doc or * .rtf.

Font: Times New Roman.

Font size for the body of the text, the title and the title Cited References, Sources and the summary should be 12 pt. The size of footnotes, abstracts with keywords and the list of cited references should be 10 pt.

Paragraphs in the body of the text and footnotes must be indented 1 cm.

Line spacing – 1.15.

Fonts that do not conform to the standard Unicode (e.g. phonetic transcription, Church Slavic alphabet, Ancient Greek alphabet, symbols, etc.), must be sent by e-mail as a separate attachment along with the paper in *.pdf format.

In-text citation of references

  1. A reference to a monograph in its entirety (Пипер 2015) or to a study in its entirety (Плунгян 2002).
  2. A reference to specific pages or several adjacent and non-adjacent pages (Лотман 2012: 139, 143–144), (Strada 1985: 96, 101).
  3. A reference to the studies of the same author published in different years – in chronological order (Падучева 2006, 2008).
  4. A reference to the studies of the same author published in the same year (Ивић 1990а, 1990б), (Храковский 2015а), (Храковский 2015б).
  5. When referencing to the study by multiple authors, only the surname of the first author is to be indicated along with the use of the abbreviation и др./ et al. (Пипер и др. 2005: 325), (Hennig et al. 2006: 7–15).
  6. A reference to the papers of two or more authors (Lakoff 1990; Langacker 1991; Кубрякова 1991).
  7. Manuscripts are cited in accordance with the foliation (e.g. 2a–3b) and not in accordance with the pagination, except if the manuscript is paginated.
  8. Attachments (photos, pictures, tables, facsimiles and the like) should be numbered, while the order of attachments (attachment 1, attachment 2, etc.) should be indicated within the main text.

Cited References and Sources Section

The list of cited references is given in a separate section entitled Literature.

In order for the electronic citation number to be precisely established in the sections Cited References and Sources it is necessary to provide transliteration in the Latin alphabet of the references that have not been cited in the Latin alphabet.

Transliteration in the Latin alphabet is given in square brackets immediately after the reference. Automatic transliteration is available at the following address: (the example provided is for the Russian language; other languages can be found in the drop-down menu). References given in the Latin alphabet should not be transliterated.

Literature is cited as follows:

a) Reference to a book (single author):

Белић, Александар. О језичкој природи и језичком развитку: лингвистичка испитивања. Књ. 1. 2. изд. Београд: Нолит, 1958.
[Belić, Aleksandar. O jezičkoj prirodi i jezičkom razvitku: lingvistička ispitivanja. Knj. 1. 2. izd. Beograd: Nolit, 1958]
Бондарко, Александр В. Проблемы функциональной грамматики. Полевые структуры. Санкт-Петербург: Наука, 2005.
[Bondarko, Aleksandr V. Problemy funkcionalʹnoj grammatiki. Polevye struktury. Sankt-Peterburg: Nauka, 2005]
Comrie, Bernard. Aspect. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981.

b) Reference to a book (multiple authors):

Пипер, Предраг, Иван Клајн. Нормативна граматика српског језика. Нови Сад: Матица српска, 2015.
[Piper, Predrag, Ivan Klajn. Normativna gramatika srpskog jezika. Novi Sad: Matica srpska, 2015]
Bybee, Joan L., Revere Perkins, William Pagliuca. The evolution of grammar: Tense, aspect and modality in the languages of the world. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994.

c) Reference to an edited book:

Апресян, Юрий Д. (ред.) Теоретические проблемы русского синтаксиса: Взаимодействие грамматики и словаря. Москва: Языки славянских культур, 2010.
[Apresân, Ûrij D. (red.) Teoretičeskie problemy russkogo sintaksisa: Vzaimodejstvie grammatiki i slovarâ. Moskva: Âzyki slavânskih kulʹtur, 2010]

d) Reference to a paper published in a journal:

Мальчуков, Андрей Л., Виктор С. Храковский. «Наклонение во взаимодействии с другими категориями: опыт типологического обзора». Вопросы языкознания 6, 2015: 9–32.
[Malʹčukov, Andrej L., Viktor S. Hrakovskij. «Naklonenie vo vzaimodejstvii s drugimi kategoriâmi: opyt tipologičeskogo obzora». Voprosy âzykoznaniâ 6, 2015: 9–32]

e) Reference to an article or a chapter in an edited book:

Маслов, Юрий С. «Перфектность». [В:] А. В. Бондарко (ред.) Теория функциональной грамматики: введение, аспектуальность, временная локализованность, таксис. Ленинград: Наука, 1987, 195–209.
[Maslov, Ûrij S. «Perfektnostʹ». [V:] A. V. Bondarko (red.) Teoriâ funkcionalʹnoj grammatiki: vvedenie, aspektualʹnostʹ, vremennaâ lokalizovannostʹ, taksis. Leningrad: Nauka, 1987, 195–209]
Dahl, Östen. „The relation between past time reference and counterfactuality: A new look“. [In:] A. Athanasiadou, R. Dirven (еds.) On Conditionals Again. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1997, 97–114.

f) Reference to a dictionary:

ESJS: Etymologický slovnik jazyka staroslovĕnského (red. Eva Havlová). T. 1–. Praha: Academia, 1989–.
Пипер, Предраг, Рајна Драгићевић, Марија Стефановић. Асоцијативни речник српског језика. Београд: Београдска књига, Службени лист СЦГ, Филолошки факултет, 2005.
[Piper, Predrag, Rajna Dragićević, Marija Stefanović. Asocijativni rečnik srpskog jezika. Beograd: Beogradska knjiga, Službeni list SCG, Filološki fakultet, 2005]

g) Reference to a phototype publication:

Смотрицький, Мелетій. Граматика слов´янська. Вільно, 1619. В. В. Німчук (ред.), Київ: Наукова думка, 1979.
[Smotricʹkij, Meletìj. Gramatika slov´ânsʹka. Vìlʹno, 1619. V. V. Nìmčuk (red.), Kiïv: Naukova dumka, 1979]

h) Reference to a manuscript material:

Митровић, Александар Љ. Писмо П. Марковићу Адамову од 30. XII, 1899: Народна библиотека Србије, Београд, сигн. Р420/I/268,1r.
[Mitrović, Aleksandar Lj. Pismo P. Markoviću Adamovu od 30. XII, 1899: Narodna biblioteka Srbije, Beograd, sign. R420/I/268,1r]

i) Reference to a publication available on-line:

Евтюхин, Вячеслав Б. «Российская Грамматика М. В. Ломоносова», Архив петербургской русистики [независимый проект сотрудников кафедры русского языка филологического факультета СПбГУ на интернет-портале Рутения] <> 07.05.2017.

[Evtûhin, Vâčeslav B. «Rossijskaâ Grammatika M. V. Lomonosova», Arhiv peterburgskoj rusistiki [nezavisimyj proekt sotrudnikov kafedry russkogo âzyka filologičeskogo fakulʹteta SPbGU na internet-portale Ruteniâ] <> 07.05.2017]

When providing the page range, both in parentheses and in cited references, it is necessary to use the em-dash (e.g. 115–12, not 115-120)

Resources are given under the title Resources as a separate section below the Literature section following the same principles of bibliographic description applied in the Literaturе section.